Debian testing: KDE/freedesktop still displays old application icon
Felix Natter
2014-03-15 11:49:47 UTC

I am maintaining the Debian "freeplane" package. The current version
1.3.7 that I am preparing has a different icon than freeplane 1.2.23
which is currently in the Debian archive.

Now, when installing the 1.3.7 package (not published yet), the KDE
panel [1] (and sometimes GNOME's nautilus, but that may be a problem on
another computer) still displays the old icon (though I think that
Debian replaces _all_ files when updating a package).

[1] Debian testing uses KDE 4.11.

When that happens, the following programs on the same computer, in the
same session, display the correct icon:
- dolphin
- konqueror
- KDE menu
- GNOME panel (another computer with the same .deb package)
- nautilus (on another computer, but its config may be broken, since I
played around with /usr/share/mime/packages/freeplane.xml)

Here are the freeplane.{svg,png,xpm} files on my Debian testing box
(with freeplane 1.3.7 installed):

$ find /usr/ -iname freeplane.svg

$ find /usr/ -iname freeplane.png

$ find /usr/ -iname freeplane.xpm

and I verified that all of these are the new icons.

Here is /usr/share/applications/freeplane.desktop:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=A free tool to structure and organise your information with mind mapping

and /usr/share/mime/packages/freeplane.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mime-info xmlns="http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/shared-mime-info">

<!-- register FreeMind files, but with a lower priority than
FreeMind uses, if that is installed -->
<mime-type type="application/x-freeplane">
<comment xml:lang="cs">FreeMind Mapa</comment>
<comment xml:lang="de">FreeMind Map</comment>
<comment xml:lang="dk">FreeMind Map</comment>
<comment xml:lang="en">FreeMind Map</comment>
<comment xml:lang="es">FreeMind Mapa</comment>
<comment xml:lang="fr">FreeMind Carte Mentale</comment>
<comment xml:lang="hu">FreeMind Térkép</comment>
<comment xml:lang="it">FreeMind Mappa</comment>
<comment xml:lang="ja">FreeMind マップ</comment>
<comment xml:lang="kr">FreeMind 맵</comment>
<comment xml:lang="lt">FreeMind Žemėlapis</comment>
<comment xml:lang="nl">FreeMind Map</comment>
<comment xml:lang="no">FreeMind Map</comment>
<comment xml:lang="pl">FreeMind Mapa</comment>
<comment xml:lang="pt">FreeMind Mapa</comment>
<comment xml:lang="pt">FreeMind Mapa</comment>
<comment xml:lang="ru">FreeMind Ассоциативная арта</comment>
<comment xml:lang="sl">FreeMind Miselni vzorec</comment>
<comment xml:lang="zh_CN">FreeMind 思维导图</comment>
<comment xml:lang="zh">FreeMind 心智圖</comment>
<!--<icon name="/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/freeplane.svg" />-->
<icon name="freeplane"/>
<glob pattern="*.mm" />
<!-- freemind.xml uses prority 65, and we don't want to override it! -->
<magic priority="60">
<match type="string" value="&lt;map" offset="0" />
<sub-class-of type="text/plain" />

<mime-type type="application/x-freeplane">
<comment xml:lang="cs">Freeplane Mapa</comment>
<comment xml:lang="de">Freeplane Map</comment>
<comment xml:lang="dk">Freeplane Map</comment>
<comment xml:lang="en">Freeplane Map</comment>
<comment xml:lang="es">Freeplane Mapa</comment>
<comment xml:lang="fr">Freeplane Carte Mentale</comment>
<comment xml:lang="hu">Freeplane Térkép</comment>
<comment xml:lang="it">Freeplane Mappa</comment>
<comment xml:lang="ja">Freeplane マップ</comment>
<comment xml:lang="kr">Freeplane 맵</comment>
<comment xml:lang="lt">Freeplane Žemėlapis</comment>
<comment xml:lang="nl">Freeplane Map</comment>
<comment xml:lang="no">Freeplane Map</comment>
<comment xml:lang="pl">Freeplane Mapa</comment>
<comment xml:lang="pt">Freeplane Mapa</comment>
<comment xml:lang="pt">Freeplane Mapa</comment>
<comment xml:lang="ru">Freeplane Ассоциативная арта</comment>
<comment xml:lang="sl">Freeplane Miselni vzorec</comment>
<comment xml:lang="zh_CN">Freeplane 思维导图</comment>
<comment xml:lang="zh">Freeplane 心智圖</comment>
<!-- <icon name="/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/freeplane.svg" /> -->
<icon name="freeplane"/>
<glob pattern="*.mm" />
<magic priority="66">
<match type="string" value="&lt;map version=&quot;freeplane" offset="0" />
<sub-class-of type="text/plain" />

and /usr/share/mimelnk/application/x-freeplane.desktop
(is this still needed?):
# KDE Config File
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Freeplane Map
Comment[cs]=Freeplane Mapa
Comment[de]=Freeplane Map
Comment[dk]=Freeplane Map
Comment[es]=Freeplane Mapa
Comment[fr]=Freeplane Carte Mentale
Comment[hu]=Freeplane Térkép
Comment[it]=Freeplane Mappa
Comment[ja]=Freeplane マップ
Comment[kr]=Freeplane 맵
Comment[lt]=Freeplane Žemėlapis
Comment[nl]=Freeplane Map
Comment[no]=Freeplane Map
Comment[pl]=Freeplane Mapa
Comment[pt]=Freeplane Mapa
Comment[pt]=Freeplane Mapa
Comment[ru]=Freeplane Ассоциативная арта
Comment[sl]=Freeplane Miselni vzorec
Comment[zh_CN]=Freeplane 思维导图
Comment[zh]=Freeplane 心智圖

and /usr/lib/mime/packages/freeplane
(probably not used by freedesktop.org!):
application/x-freemind; /usr/bin/freeplane '%s'; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"; description="Freeplane/FreeMind MindMap file"; textualnewlines; nametemplate=%s.mm; priority=7

=> as you can see, I always specify icon="freeplane", which should pick
up "freeplane.svg" or "freeplane.png".

Here are all files installed by the 'freeplane' package:

=> Could it be that "debhelper" does not properly use 'xdg-icon-resource' /
'xdg-desktop-icon' for installing icons?

=> (Could it possibly be that KDE uses some broken caching?)

=> how can I debug this?

Thank you very much and Best Regards,
Felix Natter
Felix Natter
2014-03-20 19:33:57 UTC

does someone have an idea?

I'll try my luck on debian-mentors, or is there elsewhere I could ask?

Felix Natter
Felix Natter
2014-04-02 18:02:16 UTC
David Faure <***@kde.org> writes:

hello David,

many thanks for the very helpful reply.
Post by Felix Natter
I am maintaining the Debian "freeplane" package. The current version
1.3.7 that I am preparing has a different icon than freeplane 1.2.23
which is currently in the Debian archive.
Now, when installing the 1.3.7 package (not published yet), the KDE
panel [1] (and sometimes GNOME's nautilus, but that may be a problem on
another computer) still displays the old icon (though I think that
Debian replaces _all_ files when updating a package).
If this is a KDE-specific issue, you might want to post it to kde-
Post by Felix Natter
and /usr/share/mimelnk/application/x-freeplane.desktop
No, mimelnk died together with KDE 3.
Removed, thanks.
Post by Felix Natter
=> Could it be that "debhelper" does not properly use 'xdg-icon-resource' /
'xdg-desktop-icon' for installing icons?
No idea about debhelper.
Post by Felix Natter
=> (Could it possibly be that KDE uses some broken caching?)
It could be that you're hitting a bug in the KDE icon cache, you could try
removing ~/.kde/cache-$HOSTNAME/icon-cache.kcache
That does indeed fix it :-) Shall I write a bug report (against KDE
4.11.5) on bugs.kde.org? I still have the old icon-cache.kcache, what
other files shall I attach? Which product to choose?
Post by Felix Natter
=> how can I debug this?
strace -e file <app>, after removing the icon cache.
Ok, should've tried that.

Thanks and Best Regards,
Felix Natter
David Faure
2014-04-02 14:49:58 UTC
Post by Felix Natter
I am maintaining the Debian "freeplane" package. The current version
1.3.7 that I am preparing has a different icon than freeplane 1.2.23
which is currently in the Debian archive.
Now, when installing the 1.3.7 package (not published yet), the KDE
panel [1] (and sometimes GNOME's nautilus, but that may be a problem on
another computer) still displays the old icon (though I think that
Debian replaces _all_ files when updating a package).
If this is a KDE-specific issue, you might want to post it to kde-
Post by Felix Natter
and /usr/share/mimelnk/application/x-freeplane.desktop
No, mimelnk died together with KDE 3.
Post by Felix Natter
=> Could it be that "debhelper" does not properly use 'xdg-icon-resource' /
'xdg-desktop-icon' for installing icons?
No idea about debhelper.
Post by Felix Natter
=> (Could it possibly be that KDE uses some broken caching?)
It could be that you're hitting a bug in the KDE icon cache, you could try
removing ~/.kde/cache-$HOSTNAME/icon-cache.kcache
Post by Felix Natter
=> how can I debug this?
strace -e file <app>, after removing the icon cache.
David Faure, ***@kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Working on KDE, in particular KDE Frameworks 5